Justin De Sola

Astoria Animal Society

Long Island City, NY


Manager / Owner


July 2017

Vetcove Member Since

Current Role

I'm currently the Owner and Practice Manager of a three doctor non-profit animal clinic in Astoria, New York, the first ever made non-profit clinic.

Favorite Vetcove Tip

I love having all of the promotions listed on the results dashboard for all distributors for the items you are searching for.

Favorite Veterinary Life Hack

One of my veterinary life hacks I would share is filling up idexx tubes that come with 4dx test with kiki powder to make it easy to stop dogs nails from bleeding after nail clippings.

Reasons I love working in the veterinary field

One of the reasons I love working in the veterinary field is that I like helping the animals recover from illness. It makes me feel good inside to be able to improve the animals' lives even though they cannot thank me themselves. It makes me feel special.

Interested in applying to join the Cove Crew?

Applications for the Cove Crew are now closed. If you are interested in joining, stay tuned as we plan on opening applications in the future for our active Vetcove users!

Veterinary Supply Starts Here.


382 NE 191st St. PMB 46115

Miami, FL 33179

