Dori Marion

Doorbell Vet

Westchester, NY


Veterinarian / Owner


February 2016

Vetcove Member Since

Current Role

As the owner of Doorbell Vet, I spend my days trying to make sure our patients get the best care possible. I get to see patients a few days a week and spend the rest of my time making sure the practice runs smoothly, solving logistical puzzles, making sure our staff and clients needs are met and of course making sure we have all the supplies we need.

Favorite Vetcove Tip

I like being able to place my orders directly from the Vetcove website. It is so much easier than trying to navigate distributers websites.

Favorite Veterinary Life Hack

You can use Cheeze Whiz to distract patients!

Reasons I love working in the veterinary field

I love being able to help keep patients healthy with as little stress as possible and promote my clients bond with their pets.

Interested in applying to join the Cove Crew?

Applications for the Cove Crew are now closed. If you are interested in joining, stay tuned as we plan on opening applications in the future for our active Vetcove users!

Veterinary Supply Starts Here.


382 NE 191st St. PMB 46115

Miami, FL 33179
