Jennifer Meads

The COVE – Center of Veterinary Expertise

Virginia Beach, VA


Office Manager


October 2015

Vetcove Member Since

Current Role

Although my position at The COVE encompasses a wide variety of responsibilities, some of my primary duties include overseeing our inventory and equipment, social media/marketing and coordination of events.

Favorite Vetcove Tip

Aside from having pricing info on any item across all of our synced vendors in a split second, my second favorite feature is the integrated checkout directly on Vetcove. This is a huge time saver vs having to log into multiple websites to submit orders.

Favorite Veterinary Life Hack

Our hospital utilizes Oxyhoods for nebulization in addition to oxygen therapy. Patients seem to tolerate the hoods better than the masks over their faces which results in less stress for the patient and more thorough administration of breathing treatments.

Reasons I love working in the veterinary field

Working in the veterinary field provides me the opportunity to utilize my strengths and fuels my passion for animals. There's always something new to learn and challenges to conquer which makes my job both interesting and rewarding!

Interested in applying to join the Cove Crew?

Applications for the Cove Crew are now closed. If you are interested in joining, stay tuned as we plan on opening applications in the future for our active Vetcove users!

Veterinary Supply Starts Here.


382 NE 191st St. PMB 46115

Miami, FL 33179
