Tara Manning

Country Lane Animal Hospital

Canton, NC


Practice Manager, Vet Tech


February 2016

Vetcove Member Since

Current Role

My daily roles category in practice management, inventory management, tech duties, and filling in wherever I am needed.

Favorite Vetcove Tip

Purchasing from vendors all from one screen!

Favorite Veterinary Life Hack

We use outdated fluid bags to help warm patients if our patient warmers are occupied with other patients.

Reasons I love working in the veterinary field

I find something new every day!

Interested in applying to join the Cove Crew?

Applications for the Cove Crew are now closed. If you are interested in joining, stay tuned as we plan on opening applications in the future for our active Vetcove users!

Veterinary Supply Starts Here.


382 NE 191st St. PMB 46115

Miami, FL 33179

